blanquette of lamb

Recipe provided by | Chef Freida Nicole



For the Pumpkin Pasta

  • pumpkin tagliatelle

  • 1lb of bread flour

  • 1/4 cup of semolina flour

  • 6 eggs

  • 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil

  • 1/4 cup of drained pumpkin purée

  • pinch of salt

For the Lamb

  • 3-5 lb boneless leg of lamb

  • 1 medium onion

  • boutique garni: 2 cloves, 1 bay leaf and 1/2 tsp of whole peppercorns

  • 2 tsp of salt

  • 1 qrt of chicken stock

  • 2 ounces of clarified butter

  • 3 ounces of flour

  • 1 cup of reduced stock

  • 4 tsp of corn starch (slurry with 3
    Tsp of water until mixed)

  • salt and pepper



Add flours in mixer with dough hook. Make a well in center of flours and add eggs, oil and salt. Knead on low for 15 minutes or until mixed. Let dough rest for 20 minutes.

Cut dough in 4 pieces. Set your rollers on pasta mill at widest opening. Pass one piece of the dough through machine,
Folding into thirds each time it passes. Flour lightly with each pass and keep passing dough through machine until its smooths. Usually 3-4 passes will get it smooth. After each pass now decrease the width between rollers until the dough is thin as needed.

Dust counter surface or pasta board with flour, fold dough piece into half and cut into large broad strips. Place on parchment in small serving size bundles.

Heat water Until it’s a slow simmer with a pinch Of salt and dash of olive oil. Place pasta in boiling water for 3 minutes al dente. Serve immediately with heavy cream sauce or meat sauce!


Sear then whole leg with netting on until brown edges in outside of whole leg. Place the leg into a saucepot and cover leg with stock and bouquet garni (tie herbs into cheesecloth and tie with cooking string).

Bring to a boil then turn down to simmer for one hour. Strain the stock into another pan and remove onion pieces and bouquet garni. Set the lamb aside and keep warm in foil.

Reduce the stock until about a cup is left. While stock is reducing prepare a pan gravy with 2 ounces of clarified butter, flour, reduced stock, corn starch, salt and pepper

Heat butter in a pan on stove on simmer, add flour stir then slowly add stock once flour is mixed slowly add corn starch slurry. Add
Salt and pepper to taste.

Plating- Boil fresh pasta and drain, slice lamb into thin slices or into pasta on plate and add small amp out of melted butter on pasta, lay lamb over pasta, and add sauce then add herbs. Serve immediately.